While I have faith in America's potential for greatness, I do not currently perceive it. I think this feeling stems from the realization that rights can be gained and taken away within one lifetime. Being a white woman, I acknowledge that my demographic is not the sole group to have experienced such setbacks.
In this photo, Malcolm X appears to be expressing anger, a sentiment that is justified for him and others. It is not a situation where one can simply switch from being angry to being happy. This is particularly true when a privileged group is the one making decisions for everyone. In the United States of America, changes often come about through protests and rebellions. Despite having a current administration committed to serving the people, the SCOTUS, Congress, and religious right have essentially taken control of our system. A reset is necessary, but not in the chaotic manner of January 6. Instead, we need to hold a wayward political party accountable to the same standards and values that we expect our children to uphold.
Cast your vote this year as though the future of democracy hinges on it, because it truly does. While uncertain about the candidates, I will base my decision on whether the party has a clear platform, advocates for favorable policies, and genuinely prioritizes the well-being of the American populace over seeking vengeance, retribution, and intimidation. Following the election, a collective reset is imperative. It is crucial that we reflect on our values, as the repercussions of our choices will impact not only us but also our children and future generations, who may inherit the divisive legacy of 2024.